Debashrita Manna
1 min readMar 18, 2022


How do intelligent people deal with difficult and toxic people?

✅ Realize that nothing you do or say will change their behavior towards you.

A trait every toxic person has is that they are ignorant and oblivious to how their behavior affects and influences those around them.

The toxicity they give out has nothing to do with us but everything to do with them and their lack of inner peace.

✅ Don’t take anything they do or say personally.

Because them being hard to be around is just them projecting their feelings of inadequacy on you and their environment.

They do it to avert feelings of shame, to not have to take personal responsibility and to blame all their problems on other people.

✅ Don’t befriend them and be more mindful about what types of people you allow into your life.

Because who you surround yourself with does have a big impact on the quality of your life.

If a majority of your social circle consists of toxic people, of people who drain your energy and who add unnecessary burden to your life, that will manifest as a lack of motivation, depression and persistent feelings of not being enough.

Pick people who celebrate your successes and achievements, who don’t involve their ego all the time and where the respect is mutual.



Debashrita Manna

Howdy! I enjoy the starry moonlit night, red roses, and a glass of red wine. Just kidding! I am an aspiring writer and I love people who make me laugh.